Crystals for Sale A-Z
Our list of crystals and minerals in alphabetical order. Many of these minerals are not only very collectible, they also make beautiful display pieces and are also believed to have metaphysical properties.
All Petrified Wood
Amethyst Crystal
Ammolite, Aapoak, Ammonite
Arizona Rainbow Petrified Wood
Australian Agate
Australian Opal
Bamboo Leaf Jasper
Biggs Creek Picture Jasper
Blue Biggs Creek Picture Jasper
Blue Lace Agate
Brazilian Agate
Brecciated Jasper
Crystal Healing Wands
Crystal Healing, Metaphysical, Reiki & Therapy Stones
Decorator Oversized Large Mineral Specimens
Dinosaur Bones & Teeth
Dioptase from Tsumeb
Elestial Quartz
Ethiopian Opal
Fancy Jasper
Galena, Lead
Green Chromium Petrified Wood
Green Moss Agate
Holly Blue Agate
Honey Calcite
Indonesian Petrified Wood
Iron Meteorites
Kambaba Jasper
Kentucky Agate
Lapis Lazuli
Leland Blue Slag Glass
Madagascar Petrified Wood
Mexican Fire Opal
Mexican Jasper
Museum Quality and Rare Items
Nephrite Jade
Newly Listed Items
Nguni Jasper
NWA North West African Meteorites
Orbicular Ocean Jasper
Oregon Yellow Sunstone
Petrified Palm, Fern, Cycad
Picasso Jasper
Picture Jasper
Polished and Rough Agates Slices
Polychromatic Jasper
Poppy Jasper
Quartz Crystal
Quartz Crystals
Quartz Plates
Rocky Butte Jasper
Rose Quartz
Ruby in Zoisite
Rutilated Quartz
Shell Jasper
Shiva Lingam Stone
Siberian Russian Jade Nephrite and Jadeite Sculptures
Smoky Quartz
Smudge Sticks
Snakeskin Jasper
Sonora Sunrise, Sonora Sunset
Spider Web Jasper
Stone Meteorites
Tektites & Moldavite
Tiger Iron
Uruguay Agate
Utah Petrified Wood
Wyoming Jade Sculptures
Yellow Cat Utah Agate Petrified Wood
Zebra Jasper
What is a Crystal?
People often talk about crystals, their powers, the different types, how one crystal differs from another, how they are formed, or which location they are from. But most people when pressed might not be able to exactly explain what is crystal. They can surely point one out when they see it, but what is a crystal?
To answer this question, you have to know just a little bit of physics and chemistry. The starting point is atoms. All matter is built from atoms. Atoms consist of protons, neutrons and electrons are bonded together. When something affects this bonding the Adam may develop a positive or negative charge, and this may affect how the atom relates to other atoms around it. When a group of atoms arrange themselves in a regular fashion with an internal structure related to how these atoms become arranged in three dimensions, you end up with a crystal.
There are many different shapes in which crystal atoms can organize themselves. It is the combination of the shape of the crystal along with the nature of the atoms making up the crystal that gives the crystal its unique properties.
What are the Best Known Crystals?
There’s an almost limitless variation of crystals that exist in nature where they can be created in the laboratory. The most well-known crystals also tend to be the most collected and include amethyst, azurite, celestite, citrine, fluorite, garnet, malachite, pyrite, rhodochrosite, quartz, agate, jasper, and jade. Other well-known crystals include amazonite, hematite, and calcite.
Do Crystals Have Healing or Spiritual Powers?
Some people have always believed that crystals have special, or healing or spiritual power. the ancient Greeks, the ancient Egyptians, and many other cultures, had various beliefs about the powers of crystals. there are variety of different systems, some old and some newer, which attribute attributes aspects and powers to crystals, some of these systems being attached to religious beliefs.
What Are Agates
Agate is a rock formation consisting primarily of quartz and chalcedony formed within volcanic and metamorphic rocks. It has been used ornamentally in jewelry and as seal stones as far back as ancient Greece. It was reputedly the greek naturalist and philosopher Theophrastus who between the 3rd and 4th centuries B.C. first discovered agate.
There are innumerable varieties of agate including. Lace agate, moss agate, Greek agate, Brazilian agate, Kentucky agate, Australian agate, dendritic agate, crazy lace agate, thunder agate, Utah yellow cat, and blue lace agate are just a few of the better known varieties.
Agate is prized for its hardness, resistence to chemical attack, retention of a polished surface and beauty. It has various industrial uses besides its use in jewelry and ornamental and decorative arts. Besides being beautiful, many believe that agate has various spiritual, healing and metaphysical properties.
About Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine
Quartz is a very popular mineral and gemstone and is a form of Silicon DiOxide (SiO2). There are many varieties of quartz used gemstones including amethyst, citrine, smoky quartz, and rose quartz. It is typically found in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Quartz is used to manufacture glass, ceramics, as a building stone (in sandstone), and other manufacturing processes. It is the second most abundant material in the Earth’s crust. It can have a natural vibration frequency, and this property is exploited to in watches, clocks, radios, television and various communications devices. It can also have piezoelectric property making it useful for certain types of electronic devices including phonographs.
Chemically it is a variety of quartz (SiO2) with color due to impurities in the crystal. It may appear from light pinkish-violet to deep purple in color. Quartz can be rutilated with inclusions of rutile (TiO2) whcih may appear as straws, or rods arranged randomly or in patterns inside the crystal. There are also innumerable forms of quartz with inclusion, child crystals, scepters, record keepers and inclusions of other minerals.
There are a number of possible origins of the word: Old German, Slavic, or Ancient Saxon. Water clear quartz was referred to by the ancient Greeks as krystallos from which we get the English word “crystal”. Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist, believed quartz was a form of ice water. The actual name derives from ancient Greek and refers to the belief that it protected its owner against drunkenness. The ancient Egpytians, Greeks and Romans used it for jewelry, and carved drinking vessals from it. It was often used in antiquity for intaglio engraved gemstones. It has been found in Anglo-Saxon graves in England. It is considered sacred to the Buddha in Tibet and used to make prayer beads. Until the 18th century it was considered among the most valuable gemstones.It is believed to have crystal healing and spiritual properties including: encouraging self control, helping meditation and sleep, calming harsh emotions, and helping stimulate the imagination, cleansing the energy, releasing blocked emotions, increasing clarity of thought, and bringing spiritual peace. It is often used as a therapy stone or reiki stone.
Amethyst is a popular purple variety of quartz and is a semi-precious gem used for jewelry. It is typically found in Africa and South America, including places such as Brazil and Uruguay. Amethyst is so closely tied to the color purple that it is often used interchangeably to refer to it. The color occurs due to the presence of iron impurities when the crystal formed. Citrine is another form of quartz with iron inclusions. The difference between Amethyst and Citrine is the temperature at which the mineral forms. Higher temperatures will yield citrine rather than amethyst.
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