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Emerald Specimen With High Chromium Content from Panjshir Valley Afganistan-#EM1-1

Original price was: $420.00.Current price is: $264.00.

About Emerald

The name Emerald derives from a Greek word meaning green. As one of the oldest known gemstones. This been found an Egyptian Tombs, and Cleopatra has said to have owned an Emerald engraved with her portrait. Roman Emperor Nero is said to have watch gladiators fight through an emerald. The best examples originate in South America. Emerald was mined by the local Indians long before the Spanish arrived. The conquistadors particularly valued emeralds. Emeralds were mined in Egypt, India, Austria, Colombia, and a Zambia.
Emerald is a variety of the mineral beryl. The color green comes from the presence of chromium when the crystal grows. Beryls with a blue green color are called aquamarine. Emeralds are the traditional birth stone for May, and the traditional gemstone for the zodiac sign of Cancer. It is a beloved gemstone.
It’s believed to have various spiritual and healing properties: calming hidden fears, acting as an effective focus for meditation, and speeding the purifying process.