#AX8A Arizona Rainbow Petrified Wood Slab Slice


Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $149.00.

Fantastic slice slab of Arizona Rainbow Petrified Wood. This is a rare rip-cut slice slab. The colors displayed include yellows, purples, reds, whites and black. Wonderful for a mantel or other focal point display spot. Becoming difficult to find pieces with bright colors like this one.

Approximate size: 8 x 6.5 x 2.5 inches
Approximate weight: 1 lb

SPECIES: Araucarioxylon arizonicum
AGE: Late Triassic (~225 Million Years) View on Geological Time Scale
FORMATION: Chinle Formation
CATEGORY: Petrified Wood
SUB CATEGORY: Arizona Petrified Wood

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