Taylor Swift Cincinnati Concert Weekend Sale
Photo By Cosmopolitan UK, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=84773232
This weekend international pop star Taylor Swift is playing two concert dates in Cincinnati. As with anyplace Taylor plays, this is a big deal, and there has been a great deal of excitement about the concerts. The demand for these tickets is high – one of our friend’s kids got hold of some tickets at face value and sold one of them for two thousand dollars, although I’ve heard stories of tickets being resold on the secondary market for much more.
Examples of Smoky Quartz Points on Sale at Georarities this week in honor of Taylor Swift playing Cincinnati.
Since this is the biggest thing to hit Cincinnati since sliced bread was invented, we’ve decided to show our support of Ms. Swift’s Cincinnati detour by offering Smoky Quartz Points for only $7 each. You must visit our store in-person between June 30th and July 9th.
We may not have the sheer crystal dress Taylor wore to the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards, but we have plenty of cool stuff that Taylor wishes she did have! Drop by our store to pick up your smoky quartz point and check out all the cool other crystal we have as well.