The Rock Shop

Showing 1–12 of 189 results

Showing 1–12 of 189 results

There is a certain experience one can only have in your local rock shop, in our case, an Ohio local rock shop. That experience is the pleasure of wandering through a store, and randomly discovering wonderful, beautiful, cool, astounding things. In the best rock shop, the experience is akin to wandering randomly in a library into sections that you never would have considered you might have in interest in. Enlightenment Italian painting – amazing! Stamp collecting – who knew it was this cool! Learn how to play Mandolin – what is it and how would I do it? Learn how to tango – yes, please! The same experience is had in the best of rock shops – wandering through a random assortment of rocks, fossils, crystals, minerals, petrified wood, even meteorites and who knows what else! Rummaging through disorganized bins of slabs and nuggets. Hunting through a box of unopened geodes trying to discern from the outside what each one looks like on the inside. Then there’s being welcomed to the other side of the counter, so to speak – when the shop owner pulls out his prized treasures that not everyone gets to see. Maybe it’s a few items from his personal collection that is not-for-sale. Maybe it’s the rare, small, high value items only for sale to the special, in-the-know collectors of that material. Maybe it’s something from a closed mine that you just can’t get anymore and he happens to have a spectacular piece.

This page, “The Online Rock Shop” is our attempt to recreate a local rock shop experience. Everything is jumbled together in no order and in a way that it’s hard to go through without looking at each page and picture one at a time. So whether you want a Cincinnati local rock shop, an Ohio local crystal shop, a Kentucky local rock shop, an Indiana local rock shop, you’re looking for a local crystal shop or a where-ever you live rock shop, here it is – we hope you enjoy!