Elestial Quartz

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Elestial Quartz, also known as Alligator Quartz, Crocodile Quartz or Jacare quartz is. a form of smoky quartz that has fluid inclusions. In some examples, these liquid inclusions, or sometimes a biphasic liquid-gas inclusions can only be seen using a loupe or microscope.

Various metaphysical and crystal healing systems value this type of quartz because it combine the 4 elements and this combination transmits special properties to the quartz. The 4 properties are stone (the quartz itself), fire (the smoky color), the water (liquid inclusitons) and air (present in examples with biphasic liquid-gas inclusions).

Whether you believe in its metaphysical properties or value it for its rarity or beauty, elestial quartz is a wonderful addition to your collection.